Digital Self Portrait 1

This was a fun exercise on my Surface Pro 4. I started by firing up my Sketchable application. I took a picture of myself using the Surface camera. Then, using it as a reference, I drew the free-hand sketch in blue.

After Sketching in the main elements in blue, I moved my sketch over the photo image to see how it matched up. I then drew the lines in brown to indicate where the features really were.

I was happy with the fact that the eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips were all in the right place. I messed up on the ear and the line of the neck. The whole head was a little too wide. I also gave a little more roundness to the left cheek, but the nose was just about spot on and the eyes were the right shape, size and distance apart.


Using my brown and blue marks as guides, I went over the whole thing one more time with black.

In the end, I really liked the way the combined blue, brown and black drawing turned out. It has a lively energy to it that gets lost in the more accurate black-only drawing.

Just for fun, here’s the black-only drawing next to the original photo:
